Browsing by Author BIANCHI, SIMONE
Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2017 | Detection of faint broad emission lines in type 2 AGN - I. Near-infrared observations and spectral fitting | ONORI, FRANCESCA ; La Franca, F.; Ricci, F.; Brusa, M.; Sani, E.; Maiolino, R.; BIANCHI, SIMONE; BONGIORNO, ANGELA ; FIORE, Fabrizio ; Marconi, Alessandro , et al | open |
2017 | Detection of faint broad emission lines in type 2 AGN - II. On the measurement of the black hole mass of type 2 AGN and the unified model | ONORI, FRANCESCA ; Ricci, F.; La Franca, F.; BIANCHI, SIMONE; BONGIORNO, ANGELA ; Brusa, M.; FIORE, Fabrizio ; Maiolino, R.; Marconi, Alessandro ; Sani, E., et al | open |
2016 | eXTP: Enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarization mission | Zhang, S. N.; FEROCI, MARCO ; Santangelo, A.; Dong, Y. W.; Feng, H.; Lu, F. J.; Nandra, K.; Wang, Z. S.; Zhang, S.; Bozzo, E., et al | open |
2023 | The first X-ray polarimetric observation of the black hole binary LMC X-1 | Podgorný, J.; Marra, L.; MULERI, FABIO ; Rodriguez Cavero, N.; Ratheesh, A.; Dovčiak, M.; Mikušincová, R.; Brigitte, M.; Steiner, J. F.; Veledina, A., et al | open |
2023 | The geometry of the hot corona in MCG-05-23-16 constrained by X-ray polarimetry | Tagliacozzo, D.; Marinucci, A.; Ursini, Francesco ; Matt, G.; BIANCHI, Simone; Baldini, L.; Barnouin, T.; Cavero Rodriguez, N.; DE ROSA, Alessandra ; Di Gesu, L., et al | open |
2020 | Incoherent fast variability of X-ray obscurers. The case of NGC 3783 | De Marco, B.; Adhikari, T. P.; PONTI, GABRIELE ; BIANCHI, SIMONE; Kriss, G. A.; Arav, N.; Behar, E.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; CAPPI, MASSIMO ; Costantini, E., et al | open |
2024 | IXPE observation confirms a high spin in the accreting black hole 4U 1957+115 | Marra, L.; Brigitte, M.; Rodriguez Cavero, N.; Chun, S.; Steiner, J. F.; Dovčiak, M.; Nowak, M.; BIANCHI, Simone; CAPITANIO, FIAMMA ; Ingram, A., et al | open |
2020 | The lively accretion disc in NGC 2992 - I. Transient iron K emission lines in the high-flux state | Marinucci, A.; BIANCHI, SIMONE; BRAITO, Valentina ; De Marco, B.; Matt, G.; Middei, R.; NARDINI, EMANUELE ; Reeves, J. N. | open |
2019 | NuSTAR Measurement of Coronal Temperature in Two Luminous, High-redshift Quasars | LANZUISI, Giorgio ; GILLI, Roberto ; CAPPI, MASSIMO ; DADINA, MAURO ; BIANCHI, SIMONE; Brusa, M.; Chartas, G.; Civano, F.; COMASTRI, Andrea ; Marinucci, A., et al | open |
2018 | Radio/X-ray monitoring of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 382. High-energy view with XMM-Newton and NuSTAR | Ursini, Francesco ; Petrucci, P. -O.; Matt, G.; BIANCHI, SIMONE; CAPPI, MASSIMO ; DADINA, MAURO ; GRANDI, PAOLA ; TORRESI, ELEONORA ; Ballantyne, D. R.; De Marco, B., et al | open |
2018 | Tracking the iron K α line and the ultra fast outflow in NGC 2992 at different accretion states | Marinucci, A.; BIANCHI, SIMONE; BRAITO, Valentina ; Matt, G.; NARDINI, EMANUELE ; Reeves, J. | open |
2021 | The Voyage of Metals in the Universe from Cosmological to Planetary Scales: the need for a Very High-Resolution, High Throughput Soft X-ray Spectrometer | NICASTRO, FABRIZIO ; Kaastra, J.; Argiroffi, Costanza ; Behar, E.; BIANCHI, SIMONE; BOCCHINO, Fabrizio ; BORGANI, STEFANO ; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Bregman, J.; Churazov, E., et al | open |
2021 | X-ray emission of Seyfert 2 galaxy MCG-01-24-12 | Middei, R.; Matzeu, G. A.; BIANCHI, SIMONE; BRAITO, Valentina ; Reeves, J.; DE ROSA, Alessandra ; DADINA, MAURO ; Marinucci, A.; PERRI, Matteo ; Zaino, A. | open |
2023 | X-ray polarimetry and spectroscopy of the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary GX 9+9: An in-depth study with IXPE and NuSTAR | Ursini, Francesco ; FARINELLI, Ruben ; Gnarini, A.; Poutanen, J.; BIANCHI, Simone; CAPITANIO, FIAMMA ; DI MARCO, Alessandro ; FABIANI, Sergio ; LA MONACA, Fabio ; Malacaria, C., et al | open |
2024 | X-ray polarization measurement of the gold standard of radio-quiet active galactic nuclei: NGC 1068 | Marin, F.; Marinucci, A.; Laurenti, M.; Kim, D. E.; Barnouin, T.; Di Marco, A.; Ursini, Francesco ; BIANCHI, Simone; Ravi, S.; Marshall, H. L., et al | open |
2023 | The X-ray polarization of the Seyfert 1 galaxy IC 4329A | Ingram, A.; Ewing, M.; Marinucci, A.; Tagliacozzo, D.; Rosario, D. J.; Veledina, A.; Kim, D. E.; Marin, F.; BIANCHI, Simone; Poutanen, J., et al | open |
Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
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