Browsing by Author Ferreira, I.
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2019 | BEaTriX (Beam Expander Testing X-ray facility) for testing ATHENA's SPO modules: advancement status | SALMASO, Bianca ; BASSO, Stefano ; GHIGO, Mauro ; GIRO, Enrico ; PARESCHI, Giovanni ; SPIGA, Daniele ; TAGLIAFERRI, Gianpiero ; VECCHI, Gabriele ; Pelliciari, C.; Burwitz, V., et al | open |
2019 | BEaTriX: the Beam Expander Testing X-Ray facility for testing ATHENA's SPO modules: progress in the realization | SALMASO, Bianca ; BASSO, Stefano ; GIRO, Enrico ; SPIGA, Daniele ; SIRONI, GIORGIA ; VECCHI, Gabriele ; GHIGO, Mauro ; PARESCHI, Giovanni ; TAGLIAFERRI, Gianpiero ; USLENGHI, MICHELA , et al | open |
2021 | Building the BEaTriX facility for the ATHENA mirror modules X-ray testing | SALMASO, Bianca ; BASSO, Stefano ; COTRONEO, Vincenzo ; GHIGO, Mauro ; PARESCHI, Giovanni ; Redaelli, E.; SIRONI, GIORGIA ; SPIGA, Daniele ; TAGLIAFERRI, Gianpiero ; VECCHI, Gabriele , et al | open |
2022 | First light of BEaTriX, the new testing facility for the modular X-ray optics of the ATHENA mission | BASSO, Stefano ; SALMASO, Bianca ; SPIGA, Daniele ; GHIGO, Mauro ; VECCHI, Gabriele ; SIRONI, GIORGIA ; COTRONEO, Vincenzo ; Conconi, P.; REDAELLI, Edoardo Maria Alberto ; BIANCO, ANDREA , et al | open |
2022 | A fully-analytical treatment of stray light in silicon pore optics for the ATHENA X-ray telescope | SPIGA, Daniele ; SIRONI, GIORGIA ; Della Monica Ferreira, D.; Bavdaz, M.; Bergbäck Knudsen, E.; Ferreira, I.; Jegers, A. S.; MORETTI, Alberto | open |
2021 | Manufacturing and testing of the X-ray collimating mirror for the BEaTriX facility | VECCHI, Gabriele ; COTRONEO, VINCENZO ; GHIGO, Mauro ; BASSO, Stefano ; SALMASO, Bianca ; SIRONI, GIORGIA ; SPIGA, Daniele ; Conconi, P.; PARESCHI, Giovanni ; TAGLIAFERRI, Gianpiero , et al | open |
2022 | Modelling diffractive effects in silicon pore optics for the ATHENA X-ray telescope | SPIGA, Daniele ; SIRONI, GIORGIA ; Della Monica Ferreira, D.; Jegers, A. S.; Bergbäck Knudsen, E.; Bavdaz, M.; Ferreira, I. | open |
2023 | Optical design and performance simulations for the 1.49 keV beamline of the BEaTriX X-ray facility | SPIGA, Daniele ; SALMASO, Bianca ; BASSO, Stefano ; Pelliciari, C.; Ferrari, C.; Lolli, R.; GHIGO, Mauro ; SIRONI, GIORGIA ; VECCHI, Gabriele ; COTRONEO, Vincenzo , et al | open |
2021 | Optical simulations for the Wolter-I collimator in the VERT-X calibration facility | SPIGA, Daniele ; MORETTI, Alberto ; PARESCHI, Giovanni ; SIRONI, GIORGIA ; Bavdaz, M.; Ferreira, I.; Valsecchi, G.; Marioni, F.; Zocchi, F. | open |
2018 | Progress in the realization of the beam expander testing x-ray facility (BEaTriX) for testing ATHENA's SPO modules | SALMASO, Bianca ; SPIGA, Daniele ; BASSO, Stefano ; GHIGO, Mauro ; GIRO, Enrico ; PARESCHI, Giovanni ; TAGLIAFERRI, Gianpiero ; VECCHI, Gabriele ; Pelliciari, C.; Burwitz, V., et al | open |
2022 | X-ray tests of the ATHENA mirror modules in BEaTriX: from design to reality | SALMASO, Bianca ; Basso, S. ; Ghigo, M. ; SPIGA, Daniele ; Vecchi, G. ; SIRONI, GIORGIA ; COTRONEO, Vincenzo ; Conconi, Paolo ; REDAELLI, Edoardo Maria Alberto ; BIANCO, ANDREA , et al | open |
2016 | XIPE: the x-ray imaging polarimetry explorer | SOFFITTA, PAOLO ; Bellazzini, R.; Bozzo, E.; Burwitz, V.; Castro-Tirado, A.; Costa, E.; Courvoisier, T.; Feng, H.; Gburek, S.; Goosmann, R., et al | open |
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
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