Browsing by Author Herczeg, Gregory J.
Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2019 | Compact Disks in a High-resolution ALMA Survey of Dust Structures in the Taurus Molecular Cloud | Long, Feng; Herczeg, Gregory J.; Harsono, Daniel; Pinilla, Paola; Tazzari, Marco; Manara, Carlo F.; Pascucci, Ilaria; Cabrit, Sylvie; NISINI, Brunella ; Johnstone, Doug, et al | open |
2018 | Gaia17biu/SN 2017egm in NGC 3191: The Closest Hydrogen-poor Superluminous Supernova to Date Is in a “Normal,” Massive, Metal-rich Spiral Galaxy | Bose, Subhash; Dong, Subo; PASTORELLO, Andrea ; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Kochanek, C. S.; Mauerhan, Jon; Romero-Cañizales, C.; Brink, Thomas G.; Chen, Ping; Prieto, J. L., et al | open |
2018 | Gaps and Rings in an ALMA Survey of Disks in the Taurus Star-forming Region | Long, Feng; Pinilla, Paola; Herczeg, Gregory J.; Harsono, Daniel; Dipierro, Giovanni; Pascucci, Ilaria; Hendler, Nathan; Tazzari, Marco; RAGUSA, ENRICO; Salyk, Colette, et al | open |
2019 | The newborn planet population emerging from ring-like structures in discs | Lodato, Giuseppe ; Dipierro, Giovanni; RAGUSA, ENRICO; Long, Feng; Herczeg, Gregory J.; Pascucci, Ilaria; Pinilla, Paola; Manara, Carlo F.; Tazzari, Marco; Liu, Yao, et al | open |
2023 | The Radial Distribution and Excitation of H<SUB>2</SUB> around Young Stars in the HST-ULLYSES Survey | France, Kevin; Arulanantham, Nicole; Maloney, Erin; Cauley, P. Wilson; Ábrahám, P.; ALCALA', JUAN MANUEL ; Campbell-White, Justyn; FIORELLINO, Eleonora ; Herczeg, Gregory J.; NISINI, Brunella , et al | open |
2019 | Ring structure in the MWC 480 disk revealed by ALMA | Liu, Yao; Dipierro, Giovanni; RAGUSA, ENRICO; Lodato, Giuseppe; Herczeg, Gregory J.; Long, Feng; Harsono, Daniel; Boehler, Yann; Menard, Francois; Johnstone, Doug, et al | open |
2021 | RR Lyrae Variables in Messier 53: Near-infrared Period-Luminosity Relations and the Calibration Using Gaia Early Data Release 3 | BHARDWAJ, ANUPAM ; Rejkuba, Marina; de Grijs, Richard; Yang, Soung-Chul; Herczeg, Gregory J.; MARCONI, Marcella ; Singh, Harinder P.; Kanbur, Shashi; Ngeow, Chow-Choong | open |
2022 | Towards a Comprehensive View of Accretion, Inner Disks, and Extinction in Classical T Tauri Stars: An ODYSSEUS Study of the Orion OB1b Association | Pittman, Caeley V.; Espaillat, Catherine C.; Robinson, Connor E.; Thanathibodee, Thanawuth; Calvet, Nuria; Wendeborn, John; Hernández, Jesus; Manara, Carlo F.; Walter, Fred; Ábrahám, Péter, et al | open |
2023 | Twenty-five Years of Accretion onto the Classical T Tauri Star TW Hya | Herczeg, Gregory J.; Chen, Yuguang; Donati, Jean-Francois; Dupree, Andrea K.; Walter, Frederick M.; Hillenbrand, Lynne A.; Johns-Krull, Christopher M.; Manara, Carlo F.; Günther, Hans Moritz; Fang, Min, et al | open |
2024 | Using the Ca ii Lines in T Tauri Stars to Infer the Abundance of Refractory Elements in the Innermost Disk Region | Micolta, Marbely; Calvet, Nuria; Thanathibodee, Thanawuth; Magris C., Gladis; Manara, Carlo F.; VENUTI, LAURA ; ALCALA', JUAN MANUEL ; Herczeg, Gregory J. | open |
Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
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