Browsing by Author Reiners, Ansgar
Showing results 3 to 8 of 8
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2016 | The "+" for CRIRES: enabling better science at infrared wavelength and high spectral resolution at the ESO VLT | Dorn, Reinhold J.; Follert, Roman; Bristow, Paul; Cumani, Claudio; Eschbaumer, Siegfried; Grunhut, Jason; Haimerl, Andreas; Hatzes, Artie; Heiter, Ulrike; Hinterschuster, Renate, et al | open |
2018 | Full system test and early preliminary acceptance Europe results for CRIRES+ | BRUCALASSI, ANNA ; Dorn, Reinhold J.; Follert, Roman; Hatzes, Artie; Bristow, Paul; Seemann, Ulf; Cumani, Claudio; Eschbaumer, Siegfried; Haimerl, Andreas; Haug, Marcus, et al | open |
2017 | Phase A: calibration concepts for HIRES | Huke, Philipp; ORIGLIA, Livia ; RIVA, Marco; Charsley, Jake; McCracken, Richard; Reid, Derryck; Kowzan, Grzegorz; Maslowski, Piotr; Disseau, Karen; Schäfer, Sebastian, et al | open |
2016 | State of the Field: Extreme Precision Radial Velocities | Fischer, Debra A.; Anglada-Escude, Guillem; Arriagada, Pamela; Baluev, Roman V.; Bean, Jacob L.; Bouchy, Francois; Buchhave, Lars A.; Carroll, Thorsten; Chakraborty, Abhijit; Crepp, Justin R., et al | open |
2018 | A unique infrared spectropolarimetric unit for CRIRES+ | Piskunov, Nikolai; Stempels, Eric; Lavail, Alexis; Escuti, Michael; Snik, Frans; Dolgopolov, Andrey; Rozel, Milan; Durandet, Candice; Hatzes, Artie; Bristow, Paul, et al | open |
2018 | Very accurate cryogenic mechanisms for CRIRES+ | Lizon, Jean Louis; Klein, Barbara; Molina-Conde, Ignacio; OLIVA, Ernesto ; Anglada Escude, Guillem; Bristow, Paul; Dorn, Reinhold J.; Follert, Roman; Hatzes, Artie; Heiter, Ulrike, et al | open |
Showing results 3 to 8 of 8
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