Browsing by Author Venuti, L.
Showing results 13 to 20 of 20
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2020 | ISO-ChaI 52: a weakly accreting young stellar object with a dipper light curve | FRASCA, Antonio ; Manara, C. F.; ALCALA', JUAN MANUEL ; BIAZZO, Katia ; Venuti, L.; COVINO, Elvira ; Rosotti, G.; STELZER, BEATE ; FEDELE , DAVIDE | open |
2018 | Low-mass star formation and subclustering in the H II regions RCW 32, 33, and 27 of the Vela Molecular Ridge. A photometric diagnostics for identifying M-type stars | PRISINZANO, Loredana ; DAMIANI, Francesco ; GUARCELLO, Mario Giuseppe ; MICELA, Giuseppina ; SCIORTINO, Salvatore ; Tognelli, E.; Venuti, L. | open |
2021 | PENELLOPE II. CVSO 104: a pre-main sequence close binary with an optical companion in Ori OB1 | FRASCA, Antonio ; Boffin, H. M. J.; Manara, C. F.; ALCALA', JUAN MANUEL ; Ábrahám, P.; COVINO, Elvira ; Fang, M.; Gangi, Manuele Ettore ; Herczeg, G. J.; Kóspál, Á., et al | open |
2022 | PENELLOPE. III. The peculiar accretion variability of XX Cha and its impact on the observed spread of accretion rates | Claes, R. A. B.; Manara, C. F.; Garcia-Lopez, R.; Natta, A.; Fang, M.; Fockter, Z. P.; Ábrahám, P.; ALCALA', JUAN MANUEL ; Campbell-White, J.; Caratti o Garatti, A., et al | open |
2021 | PENELLOPE: The ESO data legacy program to complement the Hubble UV Legacy Library of Young Stars (ULLYSES). I. Survey presentation and accretion properties of Orion OB1 and σ-Orionis | Manara, C. F.; FRASCA, Antonio ; Venuti, L.; Siwak, M.; Herczeg, G. J.; Calvet, N.; Hernandez, J.; Tychoniec, Ł.; Gangi, Manuele Ettore ; ALCALA', JUAN MANUEL , et al | open |
2017 | Time resolved X-ray spectral analysis during optical dips and accretion bursts in stars with disks of NGC 2264 from Chandra/ACIS-I and CoRoT data | GUARCELLO, Mario Giuseppe ; FLACCOMIO, Ettore ; MICELA, Giuseppina ; Argiroffi, Costanza ; SCIORTINO, Salvatore ; Venuti, L.; Stauffer, J.; Rebull, L.; Cody, A. | open |
2015 | UV variability and accretion dynamics in the young open cluster NGC 2264 | Venuti, L.; Bouvier, J.; Irwin, J.; Stauffer, J. R.; Hillenbrand, L. A.; Rebull, L. M.; Cody, A. M.; Alencar, S. H. P.; MICELA, Giuseppina ; FLACCOMIO, Ettore , et al | open |
2019 | X-shooter spectroscopy of young stars with disks. The TW Hydrae association as a probe of the final stages of disk accretion | Venuti, L.; STELZER, BEATE ; ALCALA', JUAN MANUEL ; Manara, C. F.; FRASCA, Antonio ; Jayawardhana, R.; ANTONIUCCI, Simone ; Argiroffi, Costanza ; Natta, A.; NISINI, Brunella , et al | open |
Showing results 13 to 20 of 20
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