Browsing by Author Calvet, Nuria
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2015 | CSI 2264: Characterizing Young Stars in NGC 2264 With Short-Duration Periodic Flux Dips in Their Light Curves | Stauffer, John; Cody, Ann Marie; McGinnis, Pauline; Rebull, Luisa; Hillenbrand, Lynne A.; Turner, Neal J.; Carpenter, John; Plavchan, Peter; Carey, Sean; Terebey, Susan, et al | open |
2016 | CSI 2264: Characterizing Young Stars in NGC 2264 with Stochastically Varying Light Curves | Stauffer, John; Cody, Ann Marie; Rebull, Luisa; Hillenbrand, Lynne A.; Turner, Neal J.; Carpenter, John; Carey, Sean; Terebey, Susan; Morales-Calderón, María; Alencar, Silvia H. P., et al | open |
2019 | The Future of Exoplanet Direct Detection | Monnier, John; Rau, Gioia; Baines, Ellyn K.; Sanchez-Bermudez, Joel; Elvis, Martin; Ragland, Sam; Akeson, Rachel; van Belle, Gerard; Norris, Ryan; Gordon, Kathryn, et al | open |
2019 | Imaging the Key Stages of Planet Formation | Monnier, John; Rau, Gioia; Bermudez, Joel Sanchez; Ragland, Sam; Akeson, Rachel; Duchene, Gaspard; van Belle, Gerard; Norris, Ryan; Gordon, Kathryn; Defrère, Denis, et al | open |
2022 | Towards a Comprehensive View of Accretion, Inner Disks, and Extinction in Classical T Tauri Stars: An ODYSSEUS Study of the Orion OB1b Association | Pittman, Caeley V.; Espaillat, Catherine C.; Robinson, Connor E.; Thanathibodee, Thanawuth; Calvet, Nuria; Wendeborn, John; Hernández, Jesus; Manara, Carlo F.; Walter, Fred; Ábrahám, Péter, et al | open |
2023 | Twenty-five Years of Accretion onto the Classical T Tauri Star TW Hya | Herczeg, Gregory J.; Chen, Yuguang; Donati, Jean-Francois; Dupree, Andrea K.; Walter, Frederick M.; Hillenbrand, Lynne A.; Johns-Krull, Christopher M.; Manara, Carlo F.; Günther, Hans Moritz; Fang, Min, et al | open |
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
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