Browsing by Author Haehnelt, Martin G.
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2021 | Chasing the Tail of Cosmic Reionization with Dark Gap Statistics in the Lyα Forest over 5 < z < 6 | Zhu, Yongda; Becker, George D.; Bosman, Sarah E. I.; Keating, Laura C.; Christenson, Holly M.; Bañados, Eduardo; Bian, Fuyan; Davies, Frederick B.; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; Eilers, Anna-Christina, et al | open |
2024 | Constraints on the Evolution of the Ionizing Background and Ionizing Photon Mean Free Path at the End of Reionization | Davies, Frederick B.; Bosman, Sarah E. I.; Gaikwad, Prakash; Nasir, Fahad; Hennawi, Joseph F.; Becker, George D.; Haehnelt, Martin G.; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; BISCHETTI, Manuela ; Eilers, Anna-Christina, et al | open |
2024 | Damping wing-like features in the stacked Ly α forest: Potential neutral hydrogen islands at z < 6 | Zhu, Yongda; Becker, George D.; Bosman, Sarah E. I.; Cain, Christopher; Keating, Laura C.; Nasir, Fahad; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; Bañados, Eduardo; Bian, Fuyan; BISCHETTI, Manuela , et al | open |
2024 | E-XQR-30: The evolution of Mg II, C II, and O I across 2 < z < 6 | Sebastian, Alma Maria; Ryan-Weber, Emma; Davies, Rebecca L.; Becker, George D.; Keating, Laura C.; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; Meyer, Romain A.; Bosman, Sarah E. I.; CUPANI, Guido ; Kulkarni, Girish, et al | open |
2022 | Hydrogen reionization ends by z = 5.3: Lyman-α optical depth measured by the XQR-30 sample | Bosman, Sarah E. I.; Davies, Frederick B.; Becker, George D.; Keating, Laura C.; Davies, Rebecca L.; Zhu, Yongda; Eilers, Anna-Christina; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; Bian, Fuyan; BISCHETTI, Manuela , et al | open |
2022 | Long Dark Gaps in the Lyβ Forest at z < 6: Evidence of Ultra-late Reionization from XQR-30 Spectra | Zhu, Yongda; Becker, George D.; Bosman, Sarah E. I.; Keating, Laura C.; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; Davies, Rebecca L.; Christenson, Holly M.; Bañados, Eduardo; Bian, Fuyan; BISCHETTI, Manuela , et al | open |
2017 | The Lyman α forest power spectrum from the XQ-100 Legacy Survey | Iršič, Vid; VIEL, MATTEO ; Berg, Trystyn A. M.; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; Haehnelt, Martin G.; CRISTIANI, Stefano ; CUPANI, Guido ; Kim, Tae-Sun; López, Sebastian; Ellison, Sara, et al | open |
2024 | Measurements of the z > 5 Lyman-α forest flux autocorrelation functions from the extended XQR-30 data set | Wolfson, Molly; Hennawi, Joseph F.; Bosman, Sarah E. I.; Davies, Frederick B.; Lukić, Zarija; Becker, George D.; Chen, Huanqing; CUPANI, Guido ; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; Eilers, Anna-Christina, et al | open |
2023 | Measuring the photoionization rate, neutral fraction, and mean free path of H I ionizing photons at 4.9 ≤ z ≤ 6.0 from a large sample of XShooter and ESI spectra | Gaikwad, Prakash; Haehnelt, Martin G.; Davies, Fredrick B.; Bosman, Sarah E. I.; Molaro, Margherita; Kulkarni, Girish; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; Becker, George D.; Davies, Rebecca L.; Nasir, Fahad, et al | open |
2017 | New constraints on the free-streaming of warm dark matter from intermediate and small scale Lyman-α forest data | Iršič, Vid; VIEL, MATTEO ; Haehnelt, Martin G.; Bolton, James S.; CRISTIANI, Stefano ; Becker, George D.; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; CUPANI, Guido ; Kim, Tae-Sun; Berg, Trystyn A. M., et al | open |
2023 | New quasar proximity zone size measurements at z ∼ 6 using the enlarged XQR-30 sample | Satyavolu, Sindhu; Eilers, Anna-Christina; Kulkarni, Girish; Ryan-Weber, Emma; Davies, Rebecca L.; Becker, George D.; Bosman, Sarah E. I.; Greig, Bradley; Mazzucchelli, Chiara; Bañados, Eduardo, et al | open |
2023 | Probing Ultralate Reionization: Direct Measurements of the Mean Free Path over 5 < z < 6 | Zhu, Yongda; Becker, George D.; Christenson, Holly M.; D'Aloisio, Anson; Bosman, Sarah E. I.; Bakx, Tom; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; BISCHETTI, Manuela ; Cain, Christopher; Davies, Frederick B., et al | open |
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
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