Browsing by Author Jelínek, M.
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2017 | Colour variations in the GRB 120327A afterglow | MELANDRI, Andrea ; COVINO, Stefano ; Zaninoni, E.; CAMPANA, Sergio ; Bolmer, J.; Cobb, B. E.; Gorosabel, J.; Kim, J. -W.; Kuin, P.; Kuroda, D., et al | open |
2020 | Full orbital solution for the binary system in the northern Galactic disc microlensing event Gaia16aye | Wyrzykowski, Ł.; Mróz, P.; Rybicki, K. A.; Gromadzki, M.; Kołaczkowski, Z.; Zieliński, M.; Zieliński, P.; Britavskiy, N.; Gomboc, A.; Sokolovsky, K., et al | open |
2015 | The GLObal Robotic telescopes Intelligent Array for e-science (GLORIA) | Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Sánchez Moreno, F. M.; Pérez del Pulgar, C.; Azócar, D.; Beskin, G.; Cabello, J.; Cedazo, R.; Cuesta, L.; Cunniffe, R.; González, E., et al | open |
2015 | Limits on Optical Polarization during the Prompt Phase of GRB 140430A | Kopač, D.; Mundell, C. G.; Japelj, J.; Arnold, D. M.; Steele, I. A.; Guidorzi, C.; Dichiara, S.; Kobayashi, S.; Gomboc, A.; Harrison, R. M., et al | open |
2016 | Localization and Broadband Follow-up of the Gravitational-wave Transient GW150914 | Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X., et al | open |
2019 | Lower atmosphere and pressure evolution on Pluto from ground-based stellar occultations, 1988-2016 | Meza, E.; Sicardy, B.; Assafin, M.; Ortiz, J. L.; Bertrand, T.; Lellouch, E.; Desmars, J.; Forget, F.; Bérard, D.; Doressoundiram, A., et al | open |
2018 | The luminous host galaxy, faint supernova and rapid afterglow rebrightening of GRB 100418A | de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Thöne, C. C.; Bensch, K.; van der Horst, A. J.; Kann, D. A.; Cano, Z.; Izzo, L.; Goldoni, P.; Martín, S.; Filgas, R., et al | open |
2017 | Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger | Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adya, V. B., et al | open |
2008 | Multifrequency monitoring of the blazar 0716+714 during the GASP-WEBT-AGILE campaign of 2007 | VILLATA, Massimo ; RAITERI, Claudia Maria ; Larionov, V. M.; Kurtanidze, O. M.; Nilsson, K.; Aller, M. F.; Tornikoski, M.; Volvach, A.; Aller, H. D.; Arkharov, A. A., et al | open |
2016 | Supplement: “Localization and Broadband Follow-up of the Gravitational-wave Transient GW150914” (2016, ApJS, 225, 8) | Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X., et al | open |
2007 | The WEBT campaign on the blazar 3C 279 in 2006 | Böttcher, M.; Basu, S.; Joshi, M.; VILLATA, Massimo ; Arai, A.; Aryan, N.; Asfandiyarov, I.M.; Bach, U.; Bachev, R.; Berduygin, A., et al | open |
2009 | WEBT multiwavelength monitoring and XMM-Newton observations of BL Lacertae in 2007-2008 | RAITERI, Claudia Maria ; VILLATA, Massimo ; CAPETTI, Alessandro ; Aller, M.F.; Bach, U.; Calcidese, P.; Gurwell, M.A.; Larionov, V.M.; Ohlert, J.; Nilsson, K., et al | open |
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
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