Browsing by Organization IRA Bologna
Showing results 1 to 20 of 2026
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
1997 | 1/f Type noise in the PLANCK LFI Radiometers | BURIGANA, CARLO ; Seiffert, Mike; Mandolesi, NAZZARENO; Bersanelli, Marco | none |
2019 | A 10-M☉ YSO with a Keplerian disk and a nonthermal radio jet | MOSCADELLI, Luca ; SANNA, ALBERTO ; CESARONI, Riccardo ; RIVILLA RODRIGUEZ, VICTOR MANUEL ; Goddi, C.; RYGL, Kazi Lucie Jessica | open |
2016 | The 154 MHz radio sky observed by the Murchison Widefield Array: noise, confusion, and first source count analyses | Franzen, T. M. O.; Jackson, C. A.; Offringa, A. R.; Ekers, R. D.; Wayth, R. B.; BERNARDI, GIANNI ; Bowman, J. D.; Briggs, F.; Cappallo, R. J.; Deshpande, A. A., et al | open |
2019 | A 2.3-8.2 GHz room temperature multi-channel receiver for phased array feed application | NAVARRINI, Alessandro ; SCALAMBRA, ALESSANDRO ; RUSTICELLI, SIMONE ; MACCAFERRI, ANDREA ; CATTANI, ALESSANDRO ; PERINI, FEDERICO ; ORTU, Pierluigi ; RODA, JURI ; MARONGIU, Pasqualino ; SABA, Andrea , et al | open |
2007 | A 20-year H2O maser monitoring program with the Medicina 32-m telescope | BRAND, JAN ; Felli, M.; CESARONI, Riccardo ; CODELLA, CLAUDIO ; COMORETTO, Giovanni ; Di Franco, S.; MASSI, Fabrizio ; MOSCADELLI, Luca ; NESTI, Renzo ; OLMI, LUCA , et al | open |
2010 | The 2009 december gamma-ray flare of 3C 454.3: The multifrequency campaign | PACCIANI, LUIGI ; VITTORINI, VALERIO ; TAVANI, Marco ; FIOCCHI, MARIATERESA ; VERCELLONE, STEFANO ; D'AMMANDO, FILIPPO ; Sakamoto, T.; PIAN, Elena ; RAITERI, Claudia Maria ; VILLATA, Massimo , et al | open |
2015 | The 2014 ALMA Long Baseline Campaign: First Results from High Angular Resolution Observations toward the HL Tau Region | ALMA Partnership; Brogan, C. L.; Pérez, L. M.; Hunter, T. R.; Dent, W. R. F.; Hales, A. S.; Hills, R. E.; Corder, S.; Fomalont, E. B.; Vlahakis, C., et al | open |
2015 | The 2014 ALMA Long Baseline Campaign: Observations of Asteroid 3 Juno at 60 Kilometer Resolution | ALMA Partnership; Hunter, T. R.; Kneissl, R.; Moullet, A.; Brogan, C. L.; Fomalont, E. B.; Vlahakis, C.; Asaki, Y.; Barkats, D.; Dent, W. R. F., et al | open |
2015 | The 2014 ALMA Long Baseline Campaign: Observations of the Strongly Lensed Submillimeter Galaxy HATLAS J090311.6+003906 at z = 3.042 | ALMA Partnership; Vlahakis, C.; Hunter, T. R.; Hodge, J. A.; Pérez, L. M.; Andreani, P.; Brogan, C. L.; Cox, P.; Martin, S.; Zwaan, M., et al | open |
2021 | A 21-cm power spectrum at 48 MHz, using the Owens Valley Long Wavelength Array | Garsden, H.; Greenhill, L.; BERNARDI, GIANNI ; Fialkov, A.; Price, D. C.; Mitchell, D.; Dowell, J.; SPINELLI, MARTA ; Schinzel, F. K. | open |
2016 | 2FHL: The Second Catalog of Hard Fermi-LAT Sources | Ackermann, M.; Ajello, M.; Atwood, W. B.; Baldini, L.; Ballet, J.; Barbiellini, G.; Bastieri, D.; Becerra Gonzalez, J.; Bellazzini, R.; Bissaldi, E., et al | open |
2018 | The 3CR Chandra Snapshot Survey: Extragalactic Radio Sources with 0.5 < z < 1.0 | MASSARO, Francesco ; Missaglia, V.; Stuardi, C.; Harris, D. E.; Kraft, R. P.; PAGGI, Alessandro ; LIUZZO, Elisabetta Teodorina ; Tremblay, G. R.; Baum, S. A.; O'Dea, C. P., et al | open |
2018 | The 3CR Chandra Snapshot Survey: Extragalactic Radio Sources with Redshifts between 1 and 1.5 | Stuardi, C.; Missaglia, V.; Massaro, F.; Ricci, F.; LIUZZO, Elisabetta Teodorina ; PAGGI, Alessandro ; Kraft, R. P.; Tremblay, G. R.; Baum, S. A.; O'Dea, C. P., et al | open |
2017 | 3FHL: The Third Catalog of Hard Fermi-LAT Sources | Ajello, M.; Atwood, W. B.; Baldini, L.; Ballet, J.; Barbiellini, G.; Bastieri, D.; Bellazzini, R.; Bissaldi, E.; Blandford, R. D.; Bloom, E. D., et al | open |
2018 | The 500 ks Chandra observation of the z = 6.31 QSO SDSS J1030 + 0524 | Nanni, R.; GILLI, Roberto ; Vignali, C.; MIGNOLI, Marco ; COMASTRI, Andrea ; VANZELLA, Eros ; Zamorani, G.; Calura, F.; LANZUISI, Giorgio ; Brusa, M., et al | open |
2017 | The 999th Swift gamma-ray burst: Some like it thermal. A multiwavelength study of GRB 151027A | Nappo, F.; Pescalli, A.; Oganesyan, G.; GHIRLANDA, Giancarlo ; GIROLETTI, MARCELLO ; MELANDRI, Andrea ; CAMPANA, Sergio ; GHISELLINI, Gabriele ; Salafia, Om Sharan ; D'AVANZO, Paolo , et al | open |
1997 | 9Miglioramento della stabilità di fase nel ricevitore S/X di Noto | TUCCARI, GINO ; NICOTRA, GAETANO ; Sorgente, Marco; Buttaccio, Salvo | none |
2009 | A 16 channel FFT multiplexer | Comoretto, Gianni ; Russo, Antonietta; Tuccari, Gino | none |
1997 | A 94 GHz radiometer for measurements of ozone atmospheric emission | Mandolesi, NAZZARENO; Brighenti, Alberto; Morigi, Gabriele; Attolini, Maria Rosa; Bersanelli, Marco; BURIGANA, CARLO ; Cazzola, Paolo; MALASPINA, MARCO ; Ventura, Giulio; Morigi, Gabriele | none |
1988 | A Catalogue of Radio Sources Observed in VLBI. I:1985-1987 | VENTURI, Tiziana ; MANTOVANI, FRANCO; NANNI, MAURO | none |
Showing results 1 to 20 of 2026
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