
Results 1-20 of 42 (Search time: 0.014 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Fulltext
12023Accurate Dust Temperature and Star Formation Rate in the Most Luminous z > 6 Quasar in the Hyperluminous Quasars at the Epoch of Reionization (HYPERION) SampleTRIPODI, Roberta ; FERUGLIO, Chiara ; Kemper, Francisca; Civano, Francesca; Costa, Tiago; Elvis, Martin; BISCHETTI, Manuela ; Carniani, Stefano ; Di Mascia, Fabio; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; FIORE, Fabrizio ; Gallerani, Simona; GINOLFI, MICHELE ; Maiolino, Roberto; PICONCELLI, Enrico ; VALIANTE, Rosa ; ZAPPACOSTA, Luca open
22022Black hole and host galaxy growth in an isolated z ∼ 6 QSO observed with ALMATripodi, R.; FERUGLIO, Chiara ; FIORE, Fabrizio ; BISCHETTI, Manuela ; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; Carniani, S.; CRISTIANI, Stefano ; Gallerani, S.; Maiolino, R.; MARCONI, Alessandro ; Pallottini, A.; PICONCELLI, Enrico ; Vallini, L.; Zana,
32024Boost recall in quasi-stellar object selection from highly imbalanced photometric datasets. The reverse selection methodCALDERONE, GIORGIO ; GUARNERI, Francesco; PORRU, Matteo ; CRISTIANI, Stefano ; GRAZIAN, Andrea ; NICASTRO, LUCIANO ; BISCHETTI, Manuela ; Boutsia, Konstantina; CUPANI, Guido ; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; FERUGLIO, Chiara ; FONTANOT, Fabio open
42021Capturing dual AGN activity and kiloparsec-scale outflows in IRAS 20210+1121SATURNI, FRANCESCO GABRIELE ; VIETRI, GIUSTINA ; PICONCELLI, Enrico ; Christian Vignali; BISCHETTI, MANUELA ; BONGIORNO, ANGELA ; Sara Cazzoli; Feruglio, Chiara ; FIORE, Fabrizio ; Bernd Husemann; Cristina Ramos Almeidaopen
52022Chemical abundance of z ∼ 6 quasar broad-line regions in the XQR-30 sampleLai, Samuel; Bian, Fuyan; Onken, Christopher A.; Wolf, Christian; Mazzucchelli, Chiara; Bañados, Eduardo; BISCHETTI, Manuela ; Bosman, Sarah E. I.; Becker, George; CUPANI, Guido ; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; Eilers, Anna-Christina; Fan, Xiaohui; Farina, Emanuele Paolo; Onoue, Masafusa; Schindler, Jan-Torge; Walter, Fabian; Wang, Feige; Yang, Jinyi; Zhu, Yongdaopen
62024Constraints on the Evolution of the Ionizing Background and Ionizing Photon Mean Free Path at the End of ReionizationDavies, Frederick B.; Bosman, Sarah E. I.; Gaikwad, Prakash; Nasir, Fahad; Hennawi, Joseph F.; Becker, George D.; Haehnelt, Martin G.; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; BISCHETTI, Manuela ; Eilers, Anna-Christina; Keating, Laura C.; Kulkarni, Girish; Lai, Samuel; Mazzucchelli, Chiara; Qin, Yuxiang; Satyavolu, Sindhu; Wang, Feige; Yang, Jinyi; Zhu, Yongdaopen
72023Crossing the Rubicon of Reionization with z ∼ 5 QSOsGRAZIAN, Andrea ; Boutsia, Konstantina; GIALLONGO, Emanuele ; CRISTIANI, Stefano ; FONTANOT, Fabio ; BISCHETTI, Manuela ; BONGIORNO, Angela ; CALDERONE, GIORGIO ; CUPANI, Guido ; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; FERUGLIO, Chiara ; FIORE, Fabrizio ; GUARNERI, Francesco; PORRU, Matteo ; SACCHEO, IVANO open
82024Damping wing-like features in the stacked Ly α forest: Potential neutral hydrogen islands at z < 6Zhu, Yongda; Becker, George D.; Bosman, Sarah E. I.; Cain, Christopher; Keating, Laura C.; Nasir, Fahad; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; Bañados, Eduardo; Bian, Fuyan; BISCHETTI, Manuela ; Bolton, James S.; Chen, Huanqing; D'Aloisio, Anson; Davies, Frederick B.; Davies, Rebecca L.; Eilers, Anna-Christina; Fan, Xiaohui; Gaikwad, Prakash; Greig, Bradley; Haehnelt, Martin G.; Kulkarni, Girish; Lai, Samuel; Puchwein, Ewald; Qin, Yuxiang; Ryan-Weber, Emma V.; Satyavolu, Sindhu; Spina, Benedetta; Walter, Fabian; Wang, Feige; Wolfson, Molly; Yang, Jinyiopen
92024E-XQR-30: The evolution of Mg II, C II, and O I across 2 < z < 6Sebastian, Alma Maria; Ryan-Weber, Emma; Davies, Rebecca L.; Becker, George D.; Keating, Laura C.; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; Meyer, Romain A.; Bosman, Sarah E. I.; CUPANI, Guido ; Kulkarni, Girish; Haehnelt, Martin G.; Lai, Samuel; Eilers, Anna-Christina; BISCHETTI, Manuela ; Gallerani, Simonaopen
102024Evidence of Pop III stars' chemical signature in neutral gas at z ∼ 6. A study based on the E-XQR-30 spectroscopic sampleSODINI, Alessio ; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; SALVADORI, STEFANIA ; VANNI, Irene ; BISCHETTI, Manuela ; CUPANI, Guido ; Davies, Rebecca; Becker, George D.; Bañados, Eduardo; Bosman, Sarah; Davies, Frederick; Paolo Farina, Emanuele; Ferrara, Andrea; Keating, Laura; Kulkarni, Girish; Lai, Samuel; Ryan-Weber, Emma; Maria Sebastian, Alma; Walter, Fabianopen
112023Examining the decline in the C IV content of the Universe over 4.3 ≲ z ≲ 6.3 using the E-XQR-30 sampleDavies, Rebecca L.; Ryan-Weber, E.; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; Bosman, S. E. I.; Meyer, R. A.; Becker, G. D.; CUPANI, Guido ; Keating, L. C.; BISCHETTI, Manuela ; Davies, F. B.; Eilers, A. -C.; Farina, E. P.; Haehnelt, M. G.; Pallottini, A.; Zhu,
122023First Constraints on Dense Molecular Gas at z = 7.5149 from the Quasar Pōniuā‘enaFERUGLIO, Chiara ; MAIO, Umberto ; TRIPODI, Roberta ; Winters, Jan Martin; ZAPPACOSTA, Luca ; BISCHETTI, Manuela ; Civano, Francesca; Carniani, Stefano ; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; FIORE, Fabrizio ; Gallerani, Simona; GINOLFI, MICHELE ; Maiolino, Roberto; PICONCELLI, Enrico ; VALIANTE, Rosa ; ZANCHETTIN, Maria Vittoria open
132023The Fraction and Kinematics of Broad Absorption Line Quasars across Cosmic TimeBISCHETTI, Manuela ; FIORE, Fabrizio ; FERUGLIO, Chiara ; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; Arav, Nahum; Costa, Tiago; Zubovas, Kastytis; Becker, George; Bosman, Sarah E. I.; CUPANI, Guido ; Davies, Rebecca; Eilers, Anna-Christina; Farina, Emanuele Paolo; Ferrara, Andrea; GASPARI, Massimo ; Mazzucchelli, Chiara; Onoue, Masafusa; PICONCELLI, Enrico ; ZANCHETTIN, Maria Vittoria ; Zhu, Yongdaopen
142019The gentle monster PDS 456. Kiloparsec-scale molecular outflow and its implications for QSO feedbackBISCHETTI, MANUELA ; PICONCELLI, Enrico ; Feruglio, Chiara ; FIORE, Fabrizio ; Carniani, S.; Brusa, M.; CICONE, CLAUDIA ; Vignali, C.; BONGIORNO, ANGELA ; CRESCI, GIOVANNI ; Mainieri, V.; Maiolino, R.; Marconi, Alessandro ; NARDINI, EMANUELE ; ZAPPACOSTA, Luca open
152022Hydrogen reionization ends by z = 5.3: Lyman-α optical depth measured by the XQR-30 sampleBosman, Sarah E. I.; Davies, Frederick B.; Becker, George D.; Keating, Laura C.; Davies, Rebecca L.; Zhu, Yongda; Eilers, Anna-Christina; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; Bian, Fuyan; BISCHETTI, Manuela ; CRISTIANI, Stefano ; Fan, Xiaohui; Farina, Emanuele P.; Haehnelt, Martin G.; Hennawi, Joseph F.; Kulkarni, Girish; Mesinger, Andrei ; Meyer, Romain A.; Onoue, Masafusa; Pallottini, Andrea; Qin, Yuxiang; Ryan-Weber, Emma; Schindler, Jan-Torge; Walter, Fabian; Wang, Feige; Yang, Jinyiopen
162024HYPERION. Shedding light on the first luminous quasars: A correlation between UV disc winds and X-ray continuumTORTOSA, Alessia ; ZAPPACOSTA, Luca ; PICONCELLI, Enrico ; BISCHETTI, Manuela ; Done, C.; Miniutti, G.; Saccheo, I.; VIETRI, Giustina ; BONGIORNO, Angela ; Brusa, M.; Carniani, S.; Chilingarian, I. V.; Civano, F.; CRISTIANI, Stefano ; Da Odorico, V.; Elvis, M.; Fan, X.; FERUGLIO, Chiara ; FIORE, Fabrizio ; Gallerani, S.; GIALLONGO, Emanuele ; GILLI, Roberto ; GRAZIAN, Andrea ; Guainazzi, M.; Haardt, F.; Luminari, A.; Maiolino, R.; MENCI, Nicola ; NICASTRO, Fabrizio ; Petrucci, P. O.; Puccetti, S.; Salvestrini, F.; Schneider, R. ; TESTA, Vincenzo ; TOMBESI, Francesco ; Tripodi, R.; VALIANTE, Rosa ; Vallini, L.; VANZELLA, Eros ; Vasylenko, A.; Vignali, C.; VITO, Fabio ; Volonteri, M.; La Franca,
172023HYPerluminous quasars at the Epoch of ReionizatION (HYPERION). A new regime for the X-ray nuclear properties of the first quasarsZAPPACOSTA, Luca ; PICONCELLI, Enrico ; FIORE, Fabrizio ; Saccheo, I.; VALIANTE, Rosa ; Vignali, C.; Vito, F.; Volonteri, M.; BISCHETTI, Manuela ; COMASTRI, Andrea ; Done, C.; Elvis, M.; GIALLONGO, Emanuele ; La Franca, F.; LANZUISI, Giorgio ; Laurenti, M.; Miniutti, G.; BONGIORNO, Angela ; Brusa, M.; Civano, F.; Carniani, S.; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; FERUGLIO, Chiara ; Gallerani, S.; GILLI, Roberto ; GRAZIAN, Andrea ; Guainazzi, M.; Marinucci, A.; MENCI, Nicola ; Middei, R.; NICASTRO, Fabrizio ; Puccetti, S.; TOMBESI, Francesco ; TORTOSA, Alessia ; TESTA, Vincenzo ; VIETRI, Giustina ; CRISTIANI, Stefano ; Haardt, F.; Maiolino, R.; Schneider, R. ; Tripodi, R.; Vallini, L.; VANZELLA, Eros open
182021The IBISCO survey: I. Multiphase discs and winds in the Seyfert galaxy Markarian 509Zanchettin, M. V.; Feruglio, Chiara ; BISCHETTI, MANUELA ; MALIZIA, ANGELA ; Molina, M.; BONGIORNO, ANGELA ; DADINA, MAURO ; GRUPPIONI, Carlotta ; PICONCELLI, Enrico ; Tombesi, Francesco ; Travascio, A.; FIORE, Fabrizio restricted
192022Long Dark Gaps in the Lyβ Forest at z < 6: Evidence of Ultra-late Reionization from XQR-30 SpectraZhu, Yongda; Becker, George D.; Bosman, Sarah E. I.; Keating, Laura C.; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; Davies, Rebecca L.; Christenson, Holly M.; Bañados, Eduardo; Bian, Fuyan; BISCHETTI, Manuela ; Chen, Huanqing; Davies, Frederick B.; Eilers, Anna-Christina; Fan, Xiaohui; Gaikwad, Prakash; Greig, Bradley; Haehnelt, Martin G.; Kulkarni, Girish; Lai, Samuel; Pallottini, Andrea; Qin, Yuxiang; Ryan-Weber, Emma V.; Walter, Fabian; Wang, Feige; Yang, Jinyiopen
202022Measuring the Density Fields around Bright Quasars at z 6 with XQR-30 SpectraChen, Huanqing; Eilers, Anna-Christina; Bosman, Sarah E. I.; Gnedin, Nickolay Y.; Fan, Xiaohui; Wang, Feige; Yang, Jinyi; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; Becker, George D.; BISCHETTI, Manuela ; Mazzucchelli, Chiara; Mesinger, Andrei ; Pallottini, Andreaopen