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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Fulltext
12022ATHENA X-IFU Demonstration Model: First Joint Operation of the Main TES Array and its Cryogenic AntiCoincidence Detector (CryoAC)D'ANDREA, MATTEO ; Ravensberg, K.; ARGAN, ANDREA ; BRIENZA, Daniele ; LOTTI, Simone ; MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; MINERVINI, GABRIELE ; PIRO, LUIGI ; Torrioli, G.; Chiarello, F.; Ferrari Barusso, L.; Biasotti, M.; Gallucci, G.; Gatti, F.; Rigano, M.; Akamatsu, H.; Dercksen, J.; Gottardi, L.; de Groote, F.; den Hartog, R.; den Herder, J. W.; Hoogeveen, R.; Jackson, B.; McCalden, A.; Rosman, S.; Taralli, E.; Vaccaro, D.; de Wit, M.; Chervenak, J.; Smith, S.; Wakeham,
22023The Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit: a consolidated design for the system requirement review of the preliminary definition phaseBarret, Didier; Albouys, Vincent; Herder, Jan-Willem den; PIRO, LUIGI ; CAPPI, MASSIMO ; Huovelin, Juhani; Kelley, Richard; Mas-Hesse, J. Miguel; Paltani, Stéphane; Rauw, Gregor; Rozanska, Agata; Doriese, William; Durkin, Malcom; FIORETTI, Valentina ; Geoffray, Hervé; Jacques, Lionel; Kirsch, Christian; Smith, Stephen; Adams, Joseph; Gloaguen, Emilie; Hoogeveen, Ruud; Svoboda, Jiri; van der Hulst, Paul; Kiviranta, Mikko; van der Kuur, Jan; Ledot, Aurélien; van Leeuwen, Bert-Joost; van Loon, Dennis; Lyautey, Bertrand; Parot, Yann; Sakai, Kazuhiro; van Weers, Henk; Wilms, Joern; Abdoelkariem, Shariefa; Adam, Thomas; Adami, Christophe; Aicardi, Corinne; Akamatsu, Hiroki; Alonso, Pablo Eleazar Merino; AMATO, Roberta; André, Jérôme; ANGELINELLI, MATTEO ; Anon-Cancela, Manuel; Yamasaki, Noriko; Anvar, Shebli; Atienza, Ricardo; Attard, Anthony; AURICCHIO, NATALIA ; Balado, Ana; Bancel, Florian; Barusso, Lorenzo Ferrari; Bascuñan, Arturo; Bernard, Vivian; Berrocal, Alicia; Audard, Marc; Blin, Sylvie; BONINO, Donata ; Bonnet, François; Bonny, Patrick; Boorman, Peter; Boreux, Charles; Bounab, Ayoub; Boutelier, Martin; Boyce, Kevin; BRIENZA, Daniele ; Bandler, Simon; Bruijn, Marcel; BULGARELLI, ANDREA ; Calarco, Simona; Callanan, Paul; Campello, Alberto Prada; Camus, Thierry; Canourgues, Florent; Capobianco, Vito ; Cardiel, Nicolas; Castellani, Florent; BARBERA, Marco ; Cheatom, Oscar; Chervenak, James; Chiarello, Fabio; Clerc, Laurent; Clerc, Nicolas; Cobo, Beatriz; Coeur-Joly, Odile; Coleiro, Alexis; Colonges, Stéphane; CORCIONE, Leonardo ; Barcons, Xavier; Coriat, Mickael; Coynel, Alexandre; CUTTAIA, FRANCESCO ; D'AI', Antonino ; D'ANCA, FABIO ; DADINA, MAURO ; Daniel, Christophe; Dauner, Lea; DeNigris, Natalie; Dercksen, Johannes; BOZZO , ENRICO ; DiPirro, Michael; Doumayrou, Eric; Dubbeldam, Luc; Dupieux, Michel; Dupourqué, Simon; Durand, Jean Louis; Eckert, Dominique; Eiriz, Valvanera; Ercolani, Eric; Etcheverry, Christophe; Ceballos, Maria Teresa; Finkbeiner, Fred; FIOCCHI, MARIATERESA ; Fossecave, Hervé; Franssen, Philippe; Frericks, Martin; Gabici, Stefano; Gant, Florent; Gao, Jian-Rong; GASTALDELLO, FABIO ; Genolet, Ludovic; Charles, Ivan; GHIZZARDI, SIMONA ; Gil, Ma Angeles Alcacera; Giovannini, Elisa; Godet, Olivier; Gomez-Elvira, Javier; Gonzalez, Raoul; Gonzalez, Manuel; Gottardi, Luciano; Granat, Dolorès; Gros, Michel; Costantini, Elisa; Guignard, Nicolas; Hieltjes, Paul; Hurtado, Adolfo Jesús; Irwin, Kent; Jacquey, Christian; Janiuk, Agnieszka; Jaubert, Jean; Jiménez, Maria; Jolly, Antoine; Jourdan, Thierry; Dauser, Thomas; Julien, Sabine; Kedziora, Bartosz; Korb, Andrew; Kreykenbohm, Ingo; König, Ole; Langer, Mathieu; Laudet, Philippe; Laurent, Philippe; LAURENZA, MONICA ; Lesrel, Jean; Decourchelle, Anne; LIGORI, Sebastiano ; Lorenz, Maximilian; LUMINARI , ALFREDO ; Maffei, Bruno; Maisonnave, Océane; Marelli, Lorenzo; Massonet, Didier; Maussang, Irwin; Melchor, Alejandro Gonzalo; Le Mer, Isabelle; Duband, Lionel; Millan, Francisco Javier San; Millerioux, Jean-Pierre; MINEO, TERESA ; MINERVINI, GABRIELE ; Molin, Alexeï; Monestes, David; MONTINARO, NICOLA ; Mot, Baptiste; Murat, David; Nagayoshi, Kenichiro; Duval, Jean-Marc; Nazé, Yaël; Noguès, Loïc; Pailot, Damien; PANESSA, Francesca ; Parodi, Luigi; Petit, Pascal; PICONCELLI, Enrico ; PINTO, CIRO ; Plaza, Jose Miguel Encinas; Plaza, Borja; FIORE, Fabrizio ; Poyatos, David; Prouvé, Thomas; Ptak, Andy; Puccetti, Simonetta; PUCCIO, ELENA ; Ramon, Pascale; Reina, Manuel; Rioland, Guillaume; Rodriguez, Louis; Roig, Anton; Gatti, Flavio; Rollet, Bertrand; RONCARELLI, Mauro ; Roudil, Gilles; Rudnicki, Tomasz; Sanisidro, Julien; SCIORTINO, LUISA ; Silva, Vitor; Sordet, Michael; Soto-Aguilar, Javier; Spizzi, Pierre; Goldwurm, Andrea; Surace, Christian; Sánchez, Miguel Fernández; Taralli, Emanuele; Terrasa, Guilhem; Terrier, Régis; TODARO, Michela ; UBERTINI, PIETRO ; USLENGHI, MICHELA ; de Vaate, Jan Geralt Bij; Vaccaro, Davide; Hartog, Roland den; VARISCO, Salvatore ; Varnière, Peggy; Vibert, Laurent; Vidriales, María; VILLA, Fabrizio ; Vodopivec, Boris Martin; VOLPE, ANGELA ; de Vries, Cor; Wakeham, Nicholas; Walmsley, Gavin; Jackson, Brian; Wise, Michael; de Wit, Martin; Woźniak, Grzegorz; Jonker, Peter; Kilbourne, Caroline; Korpela, Seppo; MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; Mendez, Mariano; Mitsuda, Kazuhisa; MOLENDI, SILVANO ; Pajot, François; Pointecouteau, Etienne; Porter, Frederick; Pratt, Gabriel W.; Prêle, Damien; Ravera, Laurent; Sato, Kosuke; Schaye, Joop; Shinozaki, Keisuke; Skup, Konrad; Soucek, Jan; Thibert, Tanguy; Vink, Jacco; Webb, Natalie; Chaoul, Laurence; Raulin, Desi; Simionescu, Aurora; Torrejon, Jose Miguel; Acero, Fabio; Branduardi-Raymont, Graziella; ETTORI, STEFANO ; Finoguenov, Alexis; Grosso, Nicolas; Kaastra, Jelle; Mazzotta, Pasquale ; Miller, Jon; Miniutti, Giovanni; NICASTRO, FABRIZIO ; SCIORTINO, Salvatore ; Yamaguchi, Hiroya; Beaumont, Sophie; Cucchetti, Edoardo; D'ANDREA, MATTEO ; Eckart, Megan; Ferrando, Philippe; Kammoun, Elias; LOTTI, Simone ; Mesnager, Jean-Michel; NATALUCCI, LORENZO ; Peille, Philippe; de Plaa, Jelle; Ardellier, Florence; ARGAN, ANDREA ; Bellouard, Elise; Carron, Jérôme; Cavazzuti, Elisabetta; FIORINI, MAURO ; Khosropanah, Pourya; Martin, Sylvain; Perry, James; Pinsard, Frederic; Pradines, Alice; Rigano, Manuela; Roelfsema, Peter; Schwander, Denis; Torrioli, Guido ; Ullom, Joel; Vera, Isabel; Villegas, Eduardo Medinaceli; Zuchniak, Monika; Brachet, Frank; LO CICERO, UGO open
32022CryoAC cold stage functional and performance requirements documentMACCULI, CLAUDIO ; D'ANDREA, MATTEO reserved
42022CryoAC WBEE requirements specificationTorrioli, G.; Chiarello, F.; D'ANDREA, MATTEO ; MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; ARGAN, ANDREA reserved
52022CryoAC WFEE requirements specificationTorrioli, G.; MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; D'ANDREA, MATTEO ; ARGAN, ANDREA reserved
62016The Cryogenic Anti-Coincidence detector for ATHENA X-IFU: pulse analysis of the AC-S7 single pixel prototypeD'ANDREA, MATTEO ; ARGAN, ANDREA ; LOTTI, Simone ; MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; PIRO, LUIGI ; Biasotti, Michele; Corsini, Dario; Gatti, Flavio; Torrioli, Guidoopen
72016The Cryogenic AntiCoincidence detector for ATHENA X-IFU: a program overviewMACCULI, CLAUDIO ; ARGAN, ANDREA ; D'ANDREA, MATTEO ; LOTTI, Simone ; LAURENZA, MONICA ; Piro, L. ; Biasotti, Michele; Corsini, Dario; Gatti, Flavio; Torrioli, Guido; FIORINI, MAURO ; MOLENDI, SILVANO ; USLENGHI, MICHELA ; MINEO, TERESA ; BULGARELLI, ANDREA ; FIORETTI, VALENTINA ; Cavazzuti, Elisabettaopen
82017The Cryogenic AntiCoincidence detector for ATHENA X-IFU: a scientific assessment of the observational capabilities in the hard X-ray bandD'ANDREA, MATTEO ; LOTTI, Simone ; MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; PIRO, LUIGI ; ARGAN, ANDREA ; Gatti,
92018The Cryogenic AntiCoincidence Detector for ATHENA X-IFU: Assessing the Role of the Athermal Phonons Collectors in the AC-S8 PrototypeD'ANDREA, MATTEO ; MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; ARGAN, ANDREA ; LOTTI, Simone ; MINERVINI, GABRIELE ; PIRO, LUIGI ; Biasotti, M.; Corsini, D.; Gatti, F.; Torrioli,
102018The Cryogenic AntiCoincidence Detector for ATHENA X-IFU: Improvement of the Test Setup Toward the Demonstration ModelD'ANDREA, MATTEO ; MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; ARGAN, ANDREA ; LOTTI, Simone ; MINERVINI, GABRIELE ; PIRO, LUIGI ; Biasotti, M.; Corsini, D.; Gatti, F.; Torrioli, G.; Volpe,
112018The cryogenic anticoincidence detector for ATHENA X-IFU: preliminary test of AC-S9 towards the demonstration modelD'ANDREA, MATTEO ; MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; ARGAN, ANDREA ; LOTTI, Simone ; MINERVINI, GABRIELE ; PIRO, LUIGI ; Biasotti, Michele; Ceriale, Valentina; Gallucci, Giovanni; Gatti, Flavio; Torrioli, Guido; VOLPE, ANGELAopen
122020The Cryogenic AntiCoincidence Detector for ATHENA X-IFU: The Project StatusMACCULI, CLAUDIO ; ARGAN, ANDREA ; BRIENZA , DANIELE ; D'ANDREA, MATTEO ; Lotti, S.; Minervini, G.; Piro, L.; Biasotti, M.; Ferrari Barusso, L.; Gatti, F.; Rigano, M.; Torrioli, G.; FIORINI, MAURO ; Molendi, S.; USLENGHI, MICHELA ; Cavazzuti, E.; Volpe,
132016The Cryogenic AntiCoincidence Detector for the ATHENA X-IFU: Design Aspects by Geant4 Simulation and Preliminary Characterization of the New Single PixelMACCULI, CLAUDIO ; ARGAN, ANDREA ; D'ANDREA, MATTEO ; LOTTI, Simone ; PIRO, LUIGI ; Biasotti, Michele; Corsini, Dario; Gatti, Flavio; Orlando, Angiola; Torrioli, Guidoopen
142020The Demonstration Model of the ATHENA X-IFU Cryogenic AntiCoincidence DetectorD'ANDREA, MATTEO ; MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; Torrioli, G.; ARGAN, ANDREA ; BRIENZA , DANIELE ; LOTTI, Simone ; MINERVINI, GABRIELE ; PIRO, LUIGI ; Biasotti, M.; Ferrari Barusso, L.; Gatti, F.; Rigano, M.; Volpe, A.; Battistelli, E.
152018Estimates for the background of the ATHENA X-IFU instrument: the cosmic rays contributionLOTTI, Simone ; MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; D'ANDREA, MATTEO ; FIORETTI, VALENTINA ; Dondero, Paolo; Mantero, Alfonso; MINERVINI, GABRIELE; ARGAN, ANDREA ; PIRO, LUIGI open
162019FPA CryoAC Design ConceptMACCULI, CLAUDIO ; Gatti, F.; Torrioli, G.; D'ANDREA, MATTEO ; Biasotti, M.reserved
172016The new cryogenic silicon monolithic micro-bridged Anticoincidence detector for the X-IFU of ATHENABiasotti, Michele; Corsini, Dario; De Gerone, Matteo; Gatti, Flavio; MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; D'ANDREA, MATTEO ; Piro, L. open
182017The particle background of the X-IFU instrumentLOTTI, Simone ; MINEO, TERESA ; Jacquey, Christian; MOLENDI, SILVANO ; D'ANDREA, MATTEO ; MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; PIRO, LUIGI open
192015The reduction techniques of the particle background for the ATHENA X-IFU instrument at L2 orbit: Geant4 and the CryoACMACCULI, CLAUDIO ; Gatti, F.; LOTTI, Simone ; ARGAN, ANDREA ; LAURENZA, MONICA ; D'ANDREA, MATTEO ; Torrioli, G.; Biasotti, M.; Corsini, D.; Orlando, A.; MINEO, TERESA ; D'AI', ANTONINO ; MOLENDI, SILVANO ; GASTALDELLO, FABIO ; BULGARELLI, ANDREA ; FIORETTI, VALENTINA ; Jacquey, C.; Laurent,
202021Review of the Particle Background of the Athena X-IFU InstrumentLOTTI, Simone ; D'ANDREA, MATTEO ; MOLENDI, SILVANO ; MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; MINERVINI, GABRIELE ; FIORETTI, Valentina ; LAURENZA, MONICA ; Jacquey, Christian; PIRO, LUIGI open